Thank You to Our Volunteers!

Thank You to Our Volunteers!

Eagle Scouts Project

Christopher Williams, Boy Scout, selected the Lucy Craft Laney Museum for
his Eagle Scout Project. The scope of the project was to pay tribute to Ms.
Lucy Craft Laney by restoring the beautiful garden bridge that had decayed
due to time and the elements, to clean, weed and replant shrubs and flowers in
all garden areas. The scouts dedicated their weekends to complete this project,
with the help of their leaders. Their aim was to give something back to the
community that would stand the test of time for future generations of visitors
to enjoy. Over the past 4 years, Scout Master Leaders, Mrs. Christa Fulkerson
and Cub Scout Leader, Mr. Lenton Oatman, have committed countless hours
with these young men to ensure they reach the ultimate goal of achieving their
Eagle Scout Patch. Throughout their journey in scouting, they have gained
knowledge, skills and abilities that will help them to be successful in whatever
career path they choose.

Scouts:  Marcus Bishop,  Lazorian Kenrick, Jacquevian Bunch
Helpers/Parents: Bryson Barnard, Sharon Williams, Ralph Kenrick
Scout Master Leader: Christa Fulkerson
Cub Scout Leader: Lenton Oatman
Sr. Patrol Leader: Christopher Williams
Asst. Patrol Leader: Micah Jones